The department provides regulatory and policy oversight of the mineral and energy resources sector by overseeing the industry’s environmental standards, resource titles systems, worker health and safety, geoscience functions and dangerous goods legislation.
Contact information
Street address:
Mineral House
100 Plain Street
East Perth
Postal address
Locked Bag 100
East Perth WA 6892
(08) 9222 3333
Contacts for the Resources sector
Andrew Chaplyn
Deputy Director General, Resource and Environmental Regulation
Phone: (08) 9358 8076
- Oversees regulation and development of resources in Western Australia in a sustainable and responsible manner
- Administers Access for Exploration and Development
- Compliance Oversight of Resources Sector with Land Access, Financial and Environmental Obligations
- Geological Survey of Western Australia
- Resource strategy and policy development through promoting data and Information
Kristian Dawson
Executive Director Resource Tenure
Phone: (08) 9222 3170
Email: |
- Titles and land access approvals including assistance with Native Title approvals
- Tenure operational policy and guidelines
- Maintenance of resource cadastre system
Tyler Sujdovic
Executive Director Resource and Environmental Compliance
Phone: (08) 9222 3851
Email: |
Mining and petroleum activity assessments
Title management and compliance with conditions
Petroleum operational and environmental compliance
Mining environmental and closure compliance
Royalties, financial compliance (*being transferred)
Administration of the Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF)
Operational policy and project coordination
Michele Spencer
Executive Director Geological Survey and Resource Strategy
Phone: 9222 3831
Mobile: 0429 311 172
- Acquisition, delivery and promotion of pre-competitive geoscience information (GSWA)
- Resource strategy and policy
- Abandoned mines
- Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS)
- Mineralisation assessments and core libraries
Contact information for the Resource and Environmental Compliance Division
Tyler Sujdovic
Executive Director Resource and Environmental Compliance
Phone: (08) 9222 3851
Email: |
Daniel Endacott
General Manager Mining Environmental Compliance
Phone: (08) 9222 3204
Email: |
- Assessment of mining activities
- Programmes of work
- Mining proposals
- Mine closure plans
- Advice to EPA and JTSI
- Monitoring industry performance, inspections, annual environmental reports and incident reporting
- Provision of advice and guidance on
- Mineral exploration/prospecting activities
- State significant mining projects and State Agreements
Ikae Brown
A/General Manager Petroleum and Energy Compliance
Phone: (08) 9222 3056
Email: |
- Petroleum regulation
- inspections and compliance with conditions and approvals
- decommissioning and closure
- Approval and monitoring of petroleum and geothermal activities
- Environment Plans
- Oil Spill Contingency Plans
- Well management plans
- Field management plans
- Annual assessment reports
- Technical assessments of operations including petroleum pipelines and facilities
- Greenhouse gas and natural gas underground storage
- Domestic gas supply outlook
- Petroleum measurement / metering
- Hydrogen energy technical advice
Hailey Packer
General Manager Title Compliance
Phone: (08) 9222 0416
Email: |
- Mining title compliance
- Vary title conditions
- Excess tonnage application
- Exemptions from expenditure including statutory declarations
- Extensions / renewal of tenement term
- Forfeitures and penalties in lieu
- Rent, fees and debt recovery
- Surrenders - Extensions of time
- Form 5 (expenditure reports)
- Rent
- Bonds/Securities
- Restoration
- Petroleum title compliance
- Vary or suspend petroleum work programmes
- Retention status
- Survey / Well applications
- Annual fees
Emily Cross
A/General Manager Operational Administration
Phone: (08) 9222 3723
Email: |
- Administrative management and coordination
- Legislative and regulatory reform
- Digital Transformation Project (RoL)
- Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF)
- Golden Gecko Awards
- Digital technology coordination
- QMS coordination
Danielle Risbey
A/General Manager Mine Closure and Environmental Services
Phone: (08) 9222 3593
Email: |
- Mine closure advice and guidance
- Native vegetation clearing assessments
- Environmental compliance and enforcement
- Technical leadership and stewardship on
- Mine closure
- Rehabilitation
- Biological assessments
- Other environmental technical matters
- Technical expertise in
- Mine closure
- Rehabilitation
Contact information for Geological Survey and Resource Division
Michele Spencer
Executive Director Geological Survey and Resource Strategy
Phone: (08) 9222 3831
Mobile: 0429 311 172
Email: |
Ben Laidler
Director Mineral and Energy Resources
Phone: 9222 0424
Email: |
Minerals and Energy Resources
- Statutory exploration reporting (WAMEX and WAPIMS databases)
- Mines and mineral deposits information (MINEDEX database)
- Land use planning – resources, prospectivity and geoheritage
- Abandoned Mines Program
- Resource investor information
Simon Johnson
Director Regional Geoscience
Phone: (08) 9222 3127
Mobile: 0428 521 071
Email: |
- Proterozoic margins
- Lithospheric Architecture
- Geophysical Acquisition and Processing
- 3D Geoscience
- Geochronology & Geochemistry
- Geochronology, geochemistry and isotope geology
- GSWA Laboratory
- 4D Geodynamics
- State Geoscience
- State Maps and Databases
- Thermal History
- Paleontology
- Geoscience Mapping through cover
Regional Geoscience
- Minerals geoscience – mineral systems studies
- Energy geoscience – basin and prospectivity studies
Paul Duncan
General Manager Geoscience and Titles Information
Phone: (08) 9222 3845
Email: |
Geoscience and Titles Information
Geoscience Information
- Editing and publishing
- Mapping and events
- Graphics
Titles information
- Core library
- Field logistics
- Data capture
- Native title
- Spatial projects
Deavi Purnomo
Chief Geoscience Information Officer Data Management
Phone: (08) 9222 0498
Mobile: 0402 628 926
Email: |
Data Management
Geoscience Data Strategy
- Data Projects
- Application Development
- Data Products Development
Geoscience Data Governance
- Data Architecture
- Information Management
Geoscience Data Services
- Data Products Delivery
- Spatial Services
- Imagery
Geoscience Spatial System
- Spatial Viewer
- Field Mapping
Richard Borozdin
General Manager Resource Strategy
Phone: (08) 9222 3511
Mobile: 0427 875 218
Email: |
Strategic Policy
- Mineral and petroleum statistics
- Industry and commodity analysis
- Economic and financial modelling
- Ministerial briefings
- Strategic resource policy coordination, development and analysis
- Lead agency project coordination
- Commonwealth State relations including COAG Energy Council
- Petroleum legislation development
Charlotte Hall
EIS Coordinator Special Projects and Administration
Phone: 9222 3410
Mobile: 0429 550 591
Email: |
Special Projects and Administration
Exploration Incentive Scheme
- Government - Industry co-funded programs
- Co-funded drilling
- Energy analysis cofunding
- Geophysical Surveys
- Encouraging exploration through cover
- 3D prospectivity mapping
- Promoting strategic research with industry
- Gold State Battery Project
Contact information for the Resource Tenure Division
Kristian Dawson
Executive Director Resource Tenure
Phone: (08) 9222 3170
Email: |
Jared Barnett
General Manager Resource Tenure
Phone: (08) 9222 3759
- Approval and administration of mineral titles for exploration and production under Mining Act 1978
- Administration of State Agreements
- Future Act process under Native Title Act 1993
- Management of Warden’s Court and Mining Registrars
- Legislative and regulatory reforms
- Approval of Petroleum title for exploration and production
- Petroleum title administration performance reporting
- Petroleum dealings under delegated authority
Zoran Vukojevic
Acting General Manager- Major Resource Projects |
Phone: (08) 9222 3007
- Legislative and regulatory reform
- Resource Tenure projects and policies
- Resources Industry Consultative Committee
Steve Best
General Manager Systems and Applications
Phone: (08) 9358 8129
Email: |
Business Systems
- Management of business critical systems such as Tengraph Web, eMiTS (mining register), and Petroleum and Geothermal Register
- Business integration across systems and divisions
- Specialised reporting and data analysis
- New initiatives such as GDA2020 etc.
Simon Moore
General Manager Resource Access
Phone: (08) 9222 3813
Native Title
- Native Title future act proceedings
- Resource Access projects
- Reforms to administrative policy and procedures